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PODCAST - Pilipili
Sara Devos & Yani Vandenbranden Sara Devos & Yani Vandenbranden bedenken, ontwerpen en ontwikkelen producten die levens écht beter maken....
Tetra REAL:PRINT started!
REAL:PRINT, an applied research project at IDC, is funded by the Flemish Government with its primary goal to support companies in the...
Howest (IPO) is now officially one of the best design schools in the world!
Ba. Industrial Product Design - Howest is now officially one of the best design schools in the world! The program was named the second...
Film Fest Gent viert 50-jarig jubileum met circulaire FFG Remake Merchandise
Film Fest Gent (FFG) viert in 2023 zijn vijftigste verjaardag met een sprankelende nieuwe huisstijl. Een mijlpaal die vaak gepaard gaat...
Howest dubbel in de prijzen op prestigieuze Rookies Awards Twee studenten van Howest hebben elk in hun...
20 YEARS OF Howest, IPO!
Howest, IPO celebrates 20 years of Industrial Product Design! We want to highlight this by spending an academic year of looking back...
Film Fest Gent (FFG) celebrates its anniversary in 2023 and Howest is working on it!
Film Fest Gent (FFG) celebrates its anniversary in 2023 and Howest is working on it! The 50th anniversary of the festival in October is...
Industrial Product Design: The Importance of an Advanced Machinery Park (Laser2000)
Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen, better known as Howest, is home to a unique program: Industrial Product Design. Bart Grimonprez, Project...
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